Victoria Event

Victoria Krishnamurti Event Sunday, August 9, 2015   The topic of the month for the meeting at The Church of Truth in Victoria was “The Challenge of Relationships”. Ten people gathered to listen to a video clip of Krishnamurti on the subject of conflict in relationship, to be followed by a reading from Freedom from the Known and short video clips of Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle also speaking about relationship. Krishnamurti approached the issue of conflict and the root cause of it by suggesting that we not be impatient to find an answer but, rather, remain with the question and let it unfold its levels of meaning. He eventually came to the point that the source of conflict is the idea that we are separate individuals each seeking his or her own fulfillment. Can we see the illusory nature of this belief with complete clarity? The video was followed by a dialogue exploring the questions raised. The planned videos by Spira and Tolle were left aside as what was said in them had already been covered in the group discussion. The event was somewhat marred by technical challenges with the television and some found the sound to be unclear and difficult for them. Nevertheless, it was an opportunity for what people agreed is necessary: an ongoing inquiry into one’s self.