Sunday Events

  Inquiry Sunday Sunday, March 22, 2015.              Five people gathered for the Sunday event held in the meditation room.   The morning session started with a video of Rupert Spira entitled The Transparency of Things:  Contemplating the Nature of Experience.   In this interview he guides us through various explorations of our actual experience to show that our assumptions of separateness are not founded in reality.  As the sense of being a separate entity is the basis of our psychological suffering, Rupert’s way of questioning and looking at our experience can be a radical “solution” to our human problems.  He spoke about the tendency to accept our contracted state as a natural one and to then see any relaxing as a kind of effort.  In fact no effort is required:  we only need to see that we are holding on.  The discussion that followed was very relevant to the participants and seemed to create a space for some direct insight.  Facing discomfort was an issue discussed in some depth.  An attitude of “not knowing”, as opposed to thinking we already know, allowed an openness in which fresh insight could take place in the context of a group inquiry and dialogue could be a “meditation”.