“New Beginnings”

Today I received an invite to attend an event to celebrate the what is termed “Winter Solstace” or new beginning or rebirth of a new world. From here there is no need to attach any significance to the calendar as far as “New Beginnings” are concerned. I am reminded of K’s talk. “The first step is the last step… … The first step is the last step. The first step is to perceive, perceive what you are thinking, perceive your ambition, perceive your anxiety, your loneliness, your despair, this extraordinary sense of sorrow, perceive it, without any condemnation, justification, without wishing it to be different. Just to perceive it, as it is. When you perceive it as it is, then there is a totally different kind of action taking place, and that action is the final action. Right? That is, when you perceive something as being false or as being true, that perception is the final action, which is the final step. Now listen to it. I perceive the falseness of following somebody else, somebody else’s instruction—Krishna, Buddha, Christ, it does not matter who it is. I see, there is the perception of the truth that following somebody is utterly false. Because your reason, your logic and everything points out how absurd it is to follow somebody. Now that perception is the final step, and when you have perceived, you leave it, forget it, because the next minute you have to perceive anew, which is again the final step.” AND Here is my reply to the invitation… Thank you so much for the kind invitation! Wishing everybody all the best in your apparent journey. From here, there is no calendar to a “New Beginning.” It is ever-fresh and shining in each apparent moment of Existence as I Am. I Am is synonymous with Love. It doesn’t come and go…or even begin or end. And Love is all that truly Exists. It shines in the Heart as… Peace.