Krishnamurti Study Group

Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, May 16, 2015  Four people met on the lawn at the Centre to continue our study of Krishnamurti’s book The First and Last Freedom.  The chapter being explored, chapter 5, was entitled Action and Idea.  The main point that K was focusing on was the limitation of action which is initiated from mental ideation and the possibility of action without premeditation or thought of any kind.  Is it possible to act without thought?  And how do ideas arise in us?  The reading stimulated an interesting dialogue about these questions, including looking at the “me” idea which may be the source of all psychological problems.  It was asked what motivates us to act and to look into ourselves to discover a more harmonious way of acting and being.  The point was made that it is an intense curiosity about ourselves and how we function outwardly and inwardly that really brings a sustained looking which can bring transformation.  Ultimately we look because we love to do so.  The next meeting will continue with the second half of Chapter 5.