Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, February 21, 2015.        Three participants met on a lovely sunny day at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Metchosin. It was warm enough to sit outside and enjoy the spectacular view from the front of the main house, looking out over the Juan de Fuca Straight. The intention was to begin study of Chapter 2 in the book The First and Last Freedom. We began with a short silent period during which we sat with the question “Who was it that drove to the Centre and who is it that will engage in dialogue?” The idea was to see what images we may hold of ourselves as an entity and what happens when we are consciously aware of these images. This meditation spontaneously led into a discussion which lasted for the two hours set aside for the meeting, and when we did look briefly at the chapter material it was seen that we had been talking about very much the same subjects as K presents in the text. The conversation touched upon the creation of the self by thought, how the sense of a “doer” arises, how seeing what thought is doing can impact our experience, and various other interconnected issues. We will look again at Chapter 2 in the next session and presumably explore the text itself in more detail.