Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, December 3, 2016   The four who seem to be the core members of the group met to study Chapter 21 in The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti. The title of the chapter is “Power and Realization”. K asks what will bring about a fundamental change in our consciousness and suggests that it is “everyday watchfulness, being aware from moment to moment of our motives, the conscious as well as the unconscious.” This awareness has the power to transform “what is” when the division between the observer and the observed is seen and dissolved, bringing about a state of “creative emptiness” in the mind. There was some excellent discussion of the ideas presented in the text, including the issue of doing and non-doing. Can the mind, or thought, actually do anything to bring about real change in the psyche or is it a question of seeing clearly that thought can do nothing? This and other questions were explored to some depth. Next session we will look into the Questions and Answers section of the book, beginning at #3, “Why Spiritual Teachers?”