Krishnamurti Study Group

  Krishnamurti Study Group Saturday, November 21, 2015     This week we looked into Chapter 10 of Krishnamurti’s book The First and Last Freedom entitled “Fear”.  K begins by pointing out that fear is never of the unknown but is actually of losing the known.  This was enough to stimulate two and a half hours of group inquiry into the nature of fear and the self in the absence of which there is no fear.  There were five people present and we were all very engaged in the exploration of fear and its transcendence in our own experience.  There was an energy of great interest and excitement with the ideas being shared, even to the point where the group was asked to slow down and be more meditative and in the present moment in the inquiry.  This was seen to be a relevant request and the quality of the investigation was enhanced.  It was very enjoyable and significant to share in such a manner.