Eckhart Tolle – The Great Potential in Loss – May 14th Meetup

The May Stillness Within meetup took a break from weekend routines to listen to a 2001 talk given by Eckhart Tolle in India. The topic explored in the video related to the impermanence of ‘forms’, including ideas and even thoughts or beliefs. Eckhart suggested that losing a loved one, or one’s health or a job can provide an opening for a deeper truth or awareness to shine through. In the discussion that followed, a number of gleanings were apparent: * stronger emotions like other forms, when observed in a curious way, are transitory and often fleeting. * like Krishnamurti’s message, a relaxing of mental activity and simple noticing, without judgement or analysis can provide glimpses of a truth that is boundless. * we examined whether there is a role for the mind in cultivating true knowing… There were differing examples shared where mind was either a valuable partner in true knowing and also when the absence of thought seemed pivotal to a deeper awareness. Thank you to the K Centre for hosting is this month.